HelloSign is changing its name
Now that we are part of the Dropbox family, we have changed our name and made a few improvements to help you get more done. HelloSign is now Dropbox Sign. HelloSign API is now Dropbox Sign API. HelloWorks is now Dropbox Forms. And HelloFax is now Dropbox Fax.

Complete online forms faster with Dropbox Forms
Dropbox Forms, formerly HelloWorks, brings signing workflows to the next level with automation that increases speed, accuracy and rate of document completion. With the name change, all Dropbox Sign Standard and Premium users get Dropbox Forms (50 transactions per month) as part of their existing plan – no extra charges.

Improvements to the free Dropbox Sign plan
Now you can sign all your digital documents faster and more efficiently for free. The new Dropbox Sign free plan comes with unlimited self-signing. Plus, you can still send out documents for signature, up to 3 times per month.

What can I do with Dropbox Sign?
Learn everything there is to know about getting the most out of Dropbox Sign through our new onboarding experience. Whether you need to send your first document, create a template or use our app integrations, the improved homepage has resources you need to make it happen.