How to move the Dropbox folder to a new location

Updated Mar 04, 2025
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The information in this article applies to all Dropbox users.

When you install the Dropbox desktop app on your computer, the default location of your Dropbox folder will be in your File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac). However, you can move this folder to a new location on your computer. Learn how to change the Dropbox folder location on your computer.

If you're on Dropbox for macOS on File Provider, you can no longer move the Dropbox folder. Learn more about the changes with the Dropbox for macOS update.

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Note: Eligible users on Dropbox for macOS on File Provider can choose to move their Dropbox folder to an external hard drive. Learn more about external drive support for Dropbox for macOS on File Provider.

This article explains how you can move the Dropbox folder to a different location on your computer with your Dropbox desktop app preferences. If you’d like to organize the contents of your Dropbox account, learn how to move Dropbox files and folders.
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If you have any trouble with syncing your files after moving the Dropbox folder to a new location on your computer, learn how to fix Dropbox sync issues and startup problems.

Not using Dropbox yet? See how Dropbox helps you effortlessly share folders.

How to move your Dropbox folder

  1. Close any applications on your computer that may be using your Dropbox files and folders, and disable your computer backup.
  2. Click (Dropbox) in the task bar (Windows) or menu bar (Mac).
  3. Click your avatar (profile picture or initials) in the top-right corner.
  4. Click Preferences.
  5. Click the Sync tab.
  6. Click Move… (Windows and Linux), or Dropbox location (Mac).
  7. Select the new location for your Dropbox folder.
  8. Let Dropbox move your folder and its contents to the new location.
  9. Log out and back in to the Dropbox desktop app to ensure that all of your preferences are moved as well.

If you’ve linked your Dropbox accounts, you'll see both of your Dropbox accounts listed. Select the correct tab before moving the Dropbox folder location.

Your Dropbox folder will keep the same name as before, and can't be renamed during the move process. Dropbox will not sync your folder if it has been manually renamed or moved through your operating system. If Dropbox loses track of your folder, it will attempt to re-sync the folder in its entirety using its last known location.

Windows: Manually move the Dropbox folder back to its default location

  1. Close any applications on your computer that may be using your Dropbox files and folders.
  2. Click  (Dropbox) in the taskbar.
  3. Click your avatar (profile picture or initials) in the top-right corner.
  4. Click Preferences.
  5. Click the Sync tab.
  6. Under Dropbox Folder Location, click Move.
  7. In the text box next to Folder:, type “$Home”.
  8. Click OK.
  9. You'll be asked to confirm if you wish to move your Dropbox folder location. Click OK.
  10. Log out and back in to the Dropbox desktop app to ensure that all of your preferences are moved as well.

macOS: Manually move the Dropbox folder back to its default location

  1. Close any applications on your computer that may be using your Dropbox files and folders.
  2. Click (Dropbox) in the menu bar.
  3. Click your avatar (profile picture or initials) in the top-right corner.
  4. Click Preferences.
  5. Click the Sync tab.
  6. Click the dropdown beside Dropbox location.
  7. Select Other…
  8. Open the Applications list.
  9. Click the Applications dropdown, and select your hard drive.
  10. Open the Users folder.
  11. Select your computer username (it will likely have a "home" icon beside it).
  12. Click Select.
  13. Confirm the move by clicking Move.
  14. Log out and back in to the Dropbox desktop app to ensure that all of your preferences are moved as well.
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